Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Senior BFA Show

Upon graduation at the University of Delaware, Bachelor of Fine Art Students get a space to display work completed in the program. Here are some of the photos from my Exhibition featuring a Sculpture

Phishy Photos
Sculpture inspired by Rube Goldberg cartoons. One (a) sits down on the bucket (b) hooks their catch of fish on the hook (c) kicking the boot which (d) knocks the can of worms down, (e) pulling the lever  (f) rolling the ball onto the track (g) going into the photographers mouth making him fall over (h) pulling the camera lever (i) releasing the polaroid of your catch. Watch it in action here


Hello, my name is Erin Pleasanton and I am a graphic designer. This blog is a sister site to my portfolio website www.erinpleasanton.com. I have started this blog as a way to provide a more in depth look at projects I am currently working on. Posting sketches, ideas, and inspirations to get feedback and critique from those in the design field.